Sunday 30 March 2014

Basic Data Structures Program App

Basic Data Structure Programs

The app has been updated.

This app contains Basic Data Structure Source codes useful to the people who have started learning Data Structure in their school,colleges etc . This app provides you a base to start with and to develop initial logic required for programming.
Data Structure contains simple programs like stack,link list,queue,bfs,dfs and various sorting algorithms.
♦A quick guide for Beginners.
♦Revise Data Structure programs on the go or before your exams made simpler.
♦Sample Output Provided after each program
♠ Movable to sd card.
♦Easy to use.
♦Handy app.
♦Clear user interface.
♠Zoom with ease.

The following programs are available within the app :

1) Stack

2)Infix to postfix conversion

3)Infix to prefix conversion

 4) Addition of sparce

 5) Transpose of sparce

 6) Queue

 7) Circular Queue 

 8) Link list in C

 9) Plynomial additoin using link list

10) Circular link list

11) Sort a link list

12) Reverse a doubly link list

13) BST

14) Inorder  traversal

15) Preorder traversal

16) Postorder traversal

17) BFS

18) DFS

19) Prims algo

20) Dijkstras algo

21)Bubble Sort

22)Insertion Sort

23)Merge Sort

24)Quick Sort

25)Heap Sort.

The app can be downloaded from the following link :

Click to Download from Google Play